How and when to apply perfume to make it last longer

How and when to apply perfume to make it last longer

How do I wear perfume to make it last longer?

Here are some tips to make your perfume last longer:

1. Apply right after showering or to moisturized skin: Applying perfume to dry skin won't last as long compared to if you apply it after a shower or after moisturizing.

2. Target Pulse Points: The warmth of your pulse points can help activate the fragrance and make it last longer. Apply perfume to your wrists, neck, inner elbow, behind your knees, and the base of your throat.

3. Don't Rub Your Wrists Together: This can break down the fragrance. Instead, just let it sit on your skin.

4. Layering: Use matching scent deodorant, shower gel or body lotion to enhance the scent and make it last longer.

5. Storage: Store your perfume in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

6. Reapply: Perfume fades over time, so reapply as needed. But don't over-apply as this can be overwhelming.

Hope these tips help!
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